Anticipate to Accelerate

Certain technologies gain immediate acceptance as a valuable productivity tool such as email and mobile phones. The marriage of these two technologies was inevitable. We are only beginning the age of the mobile device. With the advent of the smart phone and digital tablets employees no longer need a computer or notebook to be fully integrated with your business enterprise.

SGCO-LLC is at the forefront of this integration of wireless technologies having developed a number of secure wireless communications systems for a variety of mobile devices from ATM machines to iPads. Today’s business requires all field personnel to be in constant contact with the office. With applications developed by SGCO they can immediately access all the information stored in the office in real time.

Whether your business needs are customer centric such as pay by phone or order tracking, or targeted for your personnel in the field, SGCO can facilitate the flow of relationship-specific information quickly and securely.

Yes, we can hear you now, and we can make an app for that!

SGCO develops applications on major mobile OS - Android and iOS. We also build integrated web apps to provide flexibliity for the end user.

Multi-platform mobile development

The use of devices like iPhone, Android, and iPads to access the internet is on the rise. If you want to take advantage of the business being done online and promote your brand, products and services, don’t underestimate the importance of a mobile version of your website. We can convert anything you want to take from your existing website and shrink to fit the screens on mobile phones and tablets. This means you protect your brand, while users benefit from the same information they would find on your main site and can access it on the go.

Our apps provide high-quality graphics and content that integrate with the rest of your digital communications seamlessly - no distortions, no interruptions.